​Contact Us: 317.884.5012​
"No matter your struggle, find peace by the still waters"

Packages for Couples
PRE-MARITAL COUNSELING - You have said, "yes" to his/her proposal. Now what? Pre-marital work can help ensure that you and your partner have a strong, healthy relationship, which will ideally establish the framework for a stable and satisfying marriage. - 6 hours/$655 (if paid in advance - $50 savings)
Fees and Charges
MARRIAGE MAGIC - An 8 week intensive course geared toward getting your relationship back on track. The goal is to provide education sessions on the principles of what makes marriage work. The 7 Principles to Making Marriage Last, by John Gottman, will guide our work together. I will lead you through a variety of interventions, which will include homework assignments and focus on the areas of your relationship that require attention. - 10 hours/$1000 (if paid in advance - $100 savings)
General Fees
INTAKE - Our work begins with a 1-hour intake session for individuals at a cost of $135. Couples, family and marital work may take longer, as I endeavor to meet with members individually in order to gain a more accurate picture of the challenges impacting the relationship. A 2-hour intake is recommended at a cost of $270.
THE COUNSELING SESSION - Counseling sessions are generally 50 minutes in length. The cost for a 50-minute session is $110. Should you need more time, sessions can be extended. A 90-minute session is available at $175.
SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES - If you are a past client, then this should sound very familiar. Never let the cost of the work get in the way of receiving personal clarity and peace. We can make payment arrangements, to include installments and a sliding scale. Let your commitment to getting the help you need keep us connected.
Phone consultation & email contact for purposes other than routine scheduling are charged on a pro-rated basis in increments of 15-minutes. This includes time spent/required to be spent speaking to legal counsel, and/or testifying in legal matters involving clients.
*Representatives of Destin Counseling Services, LLC will not participate in the legal matters of clients. When legally required to do so on the part of client legal counsel, said client will be billed as described above.